Meeting Information

  • Provisional meeting dates for 2025: Thursday 13th February, Thursday 17th July and Thursday 20th November, in the Hart District Council Chamber, Fleet. Details to follow.

The Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee has a General Meeting three times a year, normally in Spring, Summer and Autumn. Although these are held in public they are not ‘public meetings’; members of the public may attend and ask questions of the Committee, subject to the guidelines detailed in the FACC Constitution. These meetings can be viewed and accessed by the public through remote links and the meeting papers are available via this page.

Draft minutes, actions and presentations from General Meetings will be available on this website one month after the date of the meeting. Subject to appropriate review and editing, for example to remove any offensive content, any video of a General Meeting will be available on this website, two weeks after the date of the meeting.

Click/tap on a year heading below to view or download that year’s meeting agendas, minutes, reports, complaints documentation and more. Please note, each view or download link opens in a new tab/window.


February 2025


February 2020

June 2020

NB June 2020 meeting cancelled due to COVID therefore no Agenda or Minutes

October 2020


March 2007

July 2007

November 2007


March 2006

July 2006

November 2006


March 2005

July 2005

November 2005


March 2004

July 2004

November 2004


March 2003

July 2003

November 2003