The Role of the FACC

The FACC seeks to reach a common understanding between the various stakeholders about the nature and operation of the Airport so that issues, when they arise, can be resolved amicably. It is therefore the custom and practice of the Committee to ensure that all views are properly reflected and, wherever possible, to work through consensus. Seeking a balance between these wide and conflicting interests is a challenging role.

Farnborough is the largest dedicated business aviation airport in the United Kingdom. Like all airports, Farnborough Airport touches people’s lives in many different ways. On the one hand the Airport offers a wide range of jobs and brings economic benefits and prosperity to the area and on the other hand it can be the cause of concern to local communities, on issues such as aircraft noise both in the air and on the ground, pollution, development demands, traffic and parking and impact on the environment. Also, the business traveller’s experience of the airport, as well as the needs of the operators, are very important elements in the consideration of the Airport’s future.

Consultative Committees have no power in law and cannot direct or demand that the airport concedes to its wishes or directions.

Consultative Committees are there to consult.

In Summary

  • The role of the FACC is that of a “Critical Friend” of the Airport.
  • Effectiveness relies on powers of persuasion, the goodwill and respect of others.
  • The FACC seeks to balance the wide and conflicting interests of all stakeholders.
  • The Committee is independently chaired to ensure impartiality.
  • The operational costs of the FACC are funded by Farnborough Airport Ltd.

The FACC is not a complaints panel.