Engaging with the FACC

FACC Meetings

​The FACC generally has three meetings per year, in spring, summer and autumn.

Although under legislation and guidance relating to the purpose and operation of airport consultative committees, there is no requirement for meetings to be open to the public and press. However, currently the FACC meetings are open to public questions and the press.

Notification of meetings, date, time and location are published at least seven days before the meeting on this website and in the local press. Agendas for meetings are also published on the website at least seven days before the meeting.

How to Ask a Question of the FACC

Subject to those guidelines laid out in the Constitution and other documents available on this website, members of the public are invited to ask questions of the Committee at meetings.

Questions can be submitted ahead of the meeting in writing or on the day in person. Before writing to the Committee or bringing a question in person, members of the public should first:

  • Ask the question of Farnborough Airport Limited, using the contact details provided on its website; or
  • Ask the question of the appropriate department at Rushmoor Borough Council, using the contact details provided on its website.
  • If an appropriate response has not been forthcoming from either the Airport or the Council, members of the public should contact their own local representative(s) at Parish, District/Borough or County Council or neighbourhood interest groups. Contact details of these representatives can be found here (PDF).
  • Or, if the member of the public would prefer, having adhered to the above, he or she could approach the Committee directly either in writing or in person and the member best placed to answer the question will be actioned to respond.